And so it begins

Over the last few days, I have allowed myself to be inundated with thoughts and ideas. Even found myself seeking these moments out. My mind has been a flutter with questions, then answers, then more questions still. Ultimately what I have discovered is, it is time! Time to take the next step. What is that you ask? Well put quite simply, to write a blog.

Do I know what I am doing? Not entirely

Do I know how to achieve it? Afraid not, and I chose that word intentionally

Do I know what 'it' will look like when it is all said and done? Nope again.

All I do know is if I don't start it will never get done. And besides it's not the destination or outcome I am concerning myself with right now. Nope, it's the journey (to coin a phrase). I love to learn and to discover, and this is what the next step is all about for me, to discover who I am as an artist, and who We (Mystic Pixels) are. And I would like to take you, our audience along for the ride :)

At the moment I can only watch as I put one foot in front of me, then the other and over and over again. All the while trusting that they, my feet, will get me to where I am supposed to be. My desire is to get our work seen! To create conversations around our work. And to one day inspire others to do the same. This will be the space to drop our new work. We will share some of the thoughts we had creating them. We will share new ideas and let you know of new things coming. And we will share, with you some of the people who inspire us and what we have learned from them.

Art, for the artist, is a way to express themselves, a way to share and discover all that intrigues and concerns us. It is, more personally, a way for me to work through some of my own thoughts and feelings. And as I have had so many of them lately I am eager to spill them out into the world. Art is also a way for the viewer to connect with the artist and to explore their own thoughts, and maybe to ask their own questions. And through that sharing maybe we can all grow.

Now I am left with one more question, won't you join us as we take this new step in our journey?


Fantastic! Then Here… We… Go!
